Macroeconomic research

Macroeconomic research - CATALLAXIS (in French only)

Our macroeconomics publication, Catallaxis, provides corporate heads with our detailed, concrete vision. We thus give them precious assistance in their decision-making.


The name Catallaxis refers to the works of Economics Nobel prize winner Friedrich A. Hayek, who said:

« The best way to understand how the operation of the market system leads not only to the creation of an order, but also to a great increase of the return which men receive from their efforts, is  to think of it (…) as a game which we may now call the game of catallaxy. It is thus a wealth-producing game because it supplies to each player information which enables him to provide for needs of which he has no direct knowledge and by the use of means of the existence of which without it he would have no cognizance. »


Three valuable tools to analyse and comprehend economics


Our macroeconomic analysis services comprise three products:


  • A monthly “Economic scenario – current conditions and themes »  which covers economic conditions in the main regions of the world and analyses more structural issues to shed light on ongoing developments.
  • Two breakfast conferences each year, for a small audience, where we analyse the main economic trends for the following months and their foreseeable impact on interest rates, exchange rates, the equity markets and other asset markets.
  • Publications on topical issues  (editorials) available on the website personal page.
Analyse macro-économique par les Cahiers Verts de l'Economie

Investment strategy

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+33 1 53 42 65 33


France's leading independent research company in macroeconomics and investment strategy.